About Craig
Discovering new places and getting to know new people has always been one of my major drives in life. Being in a constant loop of learning and sharing together with others, understanding what the world looks like from other perspectives. I've been an adventurer for as long as I can remember.
But whether I've been hiking the Rocky Mountains, going on desert adventures, chasing animals, or enjoying the beauty of our Coastlines, it's always with a camera in my hand.
I've taken photos constantly for about 5 years and intend to do so for as long as I'm able to.
One of my main passions in life is to collect experiences, and I constantly try to push myself out of my comfort zone to see what new and exciting things might show up around the corner. With a camera in one hand and my eyes wide open, I document and create stories through photography, art and writing. Those are the stories you'll find here.
I always try to support a lifestyle where awareness, well-being, equality and ecology is just as important as design and aesthetics